The purpose of a polygraph test is simple: to illuminate the truth. Allow our polygraph services to simplify your situation and bring the truth to light.
We realize there aren’t many happy occasions that tend to require a polygraph test. These situations tend to be awkward at best, and downright vicious at worst. But that’s one of the reasons the truth verification provided by a polygraph test is so important. A polygraph test breaks a situation down to the bare facts and uncovers the essential truths, helping to put many contentious issues to bed.
Truth verification – a fair approach
The truth verification provided by our polygraph tests is absolutely necessary in situations ranging from suspected infidelity, divorce proceedings, custody disputes and estate disputes to lawsuits, arbitrations and other civil matters, to corporate concerns like data leakage or theft. Our team has performed tens of thousands of polygraph tests in private matters, corporate matters, government matters, and matters concerning a court of law.
We’re well aware that there are two sides to every disagreement, if not more. What our polygraph services provide is an opportunity for each party to have their version of events verified, if in fact their version is the truth. No one is ever forced to take our polygraph tests. All subjects agree to participate in our polygraph tests, which are often recommended by professional arbitrators.
Call us to discuss the benefits of the truth verification provided by polygraph tests, and what our team can do for you.