Polygraph in Europe

Protect your company’s assets as well as your company’s employee-friendly atmosphere with Gazit’s stress-free method of polygraph testing.

When it comes to improving your hiring process or even dealing with a crisis like data leakage, it’s understandable that polygraph testing may not be the first idea that comes to mind. But maybe it should be.

Our branches in Europe are tuned in to the unique cultures of high-tech organizations. We know how much time, money and effort you’ve invested in creating an enjoyable workplace and an enviable atmosphere, and are well aware that you don’t want to jeopardize your employees’ satisfaction and happiness.

Polygraph in Europe for pre-employment screening

When Gazit’s polygraph testing is introduced as a crucial stage of the hiring process, there’s no reason for anyone to be nervous. Our team members have decades of experience in polygraph testing, and have performed tens of thousands of polygraph tests all over the globe in countless industries in the private, public, and government sectors.

We take the time to get to know key members of your organization and hiring team, and we also take the time to get to know your candidates. We work hard to put everyone at ease with the test, which is always conducted in a warm, welcoming environment. That can be right in your offices, or at a neutral site, if you would prefer.

Polygraph in Europe – part of the Gazit crisis management and deterrent method

Our main hope for clients is that they never need our polygraph testing for getting to the bottom of data leakage or other suspicious incidents. But when it becomes clear that something unsavory has occurred, we always recommend a swift response. We don’t want these incidents to have time to fester or grow within your organization, creating feelings of unease and destroying the pleasant vibe your office is known for.

Our polygraph testing is quick and discreet, and always conducted courteously, with everyone put at ease with the process. Our priority is to confirm what you’re already certain of – that the vast majority of your employees are trustworthy. We want to return your office to its normal state as quickly as possible. That’s why we also recommend our periodic polygraph testing. By testing employees at different points throughout the year it’s possible to head off any future issues and incidents, and it also helps familiarize your employees with the easy testing process.

Contact us today to find out how polygraph testing can be a positive process for your organization.